Our Story

About SC Endeavors

SC Endeavors (formerly the Center for Child Care Career Development or CCCCD), is the professional development system for South Carolina’s early childhood workforce. The mission of SC Endeavors is to support the early childhood workforce by facilitating pathways for professional knowledge and advancement. SC Endeavors continues to be an integral part of the South Carolina Department of Social Services Division of Early Care and Education and to enhance professional development opportunities, resources, and tools for early education professionals. We provide:

SC Endeavors Registry

  • Credentialing System
  • Training System
  • Technical Assistance System

T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood South Carolina

The SC Endeavors Registry is a new and improved workforce registry that will create a centralized, comprehensive system to support all professionals in early care and education in South Carolina. The new registry will support the existing training, technical assistance, and credentialing programs, while supporting professional development endeavors and promoting recognition and growth within the workforce.

What is a Workforce Registry

One of the first early childhood professional development registry was created in the early 1990s and it changed the way states and regions track achievements of professionals in the early childhood field. One of the goals was to provide recognition for the profession, which has historically been under-recognized. Through its comprehensive features and data collection abilities, the Registry provided a way for professionals to track their professional development achievements and to plan out their career path through training needs and opportunities, all posted and accessible in a central system.

We are part of the National Workforce Registry Alliance (NWRA), and, along with 40 other states, are bringing an advanced web-based system that will track and promote the training, employment, educational accomplishments of early childhood care and education (ECE) and after-school teachers and providers throughout the state.

The definition for registries below is provided by the National Workforce Registry alliance, a voluntary association of state and regional registries.

A registry is an information system for the childhood and afterschool workforce that:
  • Promotes professional growth and development
  • Captures data about early childhood and afterschool practitioners in a variety of roles
  • Is based on state career level systems that provide a framework for professional development
  • Places individuals on a career level based upon verified education information
  • Recognizes and honors professional achievements of the early childhood and afterschool workforce
  • Informs policy makers and partners

Benefits of Transitioning to a Workforce Registry

While the basic purpose of our system to track training hours for DSS licensing requirements will remain the same, the performance of the system is being greatly enhanced with the new workforce registry. The features and capabilities of The SC Endeavors Registry will allow us to capture important data about the workforce and utilize this data to impact policy, advocate for positive change, and bring heightened recognition and acknowledgment to you and other ECE professionals.

Key benefits of a Registry to child care providers, teachers and school-age care providers, include:
  • Simplified system that keeps track of important information about your professional endeavors - including training, academic coursework, work experience and certifications – to grow your career and reach your growth potential
  • Easy access to your Learning Record/DSS Official Transcript and state registry ID number for trainings
  • Easy access to updated records to maintain compliance
  • Central and comprehensive list of training classes and easy sign-up and tracking of classes attended
  • Opportunity to create a Professional Profile to highlight your accomplishments, education, experience, credentials and certifications
  • Centralized system with access to tools and resources to help you grow and succeed
Key benefits to Trainers include:
  • Simplified, online roster entry which provides immediate attendance verification for attendees
  • Professional Profile & Training Qualifications – online portfolio of your accomplishments, qualifications and training specialties
  • Online training outline submission and approval process
  • Scheduling & online registration for attendees
  • Comprehensive list of courses, classes, reports of training events conducted, etc

Although our name is changing to SC Endeavors, we remain the central resource for early educators, trainers, and programs that serve young children and their families in South Carolina. The name “Endeavors” encompasses the constant work and our collective efforts to advance the profession and create a pathway to success for early childhood educators.